187 Missigs Road‚ Haigslea

As the name suggests, this hobby farm offers a unique outing for families. You’ll be able to get up close and personal and pat and feed their friendly animals – alpacas, sheep, lambs, goats, geese or perhaps get some pictures of the wandering chooks for your Instagram feed.

Also come n see the D’s (Dino’s) with fish and birds. Included in the entry price

Farmer Dave and Penny have added coffee to the mix too – parents can order a latte and sip it on a hay bale and take in the rural setting. Fantastic coffee and yummy eats for morning tea.

This is a popular outing just 45 minutes from Brisbane.

Penny and David like to keep numbers manageable so that every visitor has a ewe nique experience -so bookings are essential.

Follow them on Facebook and Instagram to see what’s new on the farm and check their current opening hours.

  • Cafe
  • Carpark
  • Coach Parking
  • Family Friendly
  • Food and Refreshments
  • Non Smoking
  • Public Toilet